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Produkte vom Ernährungsfeld Vaduz an der OLMA verkauft


Am Liechtenstein Stand an der OLMA in St. Gallen wurden die Produkte vom Ernährungsfeld Vaduz erfolgreich einem breiten Publikum verkauft. Der Neufeldhof Vaduz verkaufte am Gemeinschaftsstand Vaduzer Reis, schwarzer Polentamais, Ribelmais, und diverse Teigwaren.

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Dec 01, 2024

I am a Japanese journalist , and joined a team from the International Federation of Agricultural Journalists (ifaj) to visit your farm on August 18.

I tried some rice that I bought at the store. I found it very tasty.

Rice is the main staple food for the Japanese,so we are very interested in rice.

If possible, I would like to feature this rice in one of my articles.

I have some questions about this rice.

If you are not the person in charge of addressing these questions, could you please introduce me the right contact person ?

1) When (from what year,2020?) did you start growing rice in your farm?

2) How many acres( m2)were planted this year?



Dec 01, 2024

I am a Japanese journalist , and joined a team from the International Federation of Agricultural Journalists (ifaj) to visit your farm on August 18.

I tried some rice that I bought at the store. I found it very tasty.

Rice is the main staple food for the Japanese,so we are very interested in rice.

If possible, I would like to feature this rice in one of my articles.

I have some questions about this rice.

If you are not the person in charge of addressing these questions, could you please introduce me the right contact person ?

1) When (from what year,2020?) did you start growing rice in your farm?

2) How many acres( m2)were planted this year?



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